Stuck within our own comfort zone

Stuck within our own comfort zone:

Why are we so apt to avoid being uncomfortable? What part of being uncomfortable makes us so scared?

We are creatures of habit, we spend our days living within our comfortable bubble that keeps us content. But what happens when being content is no longer cutting it? Can we spend our whole lives living at the bare minimum of happiness?

We want to avoid conflict, change and anything else that can cause any disrupt in our daily numb lives. These things tend to throw a wrench in our comfort levels, but is that always a bad thing? I think some of our best moments come from struggles or changes in our lives.

Why? Because it tests us, challenges us, keeps us on our toes. Which in the end makes us stronger, wiser and more ourselves. We grow and change in some of the best ways possible. And that’s why I don’t believe in dodging the universe when it’s sending things my way.

I personally am more spiritual and believe the universe works around me to make sure I end up where I need too. But no matter what you believe, there is a greater power maneuvering us around like little game pieces.

I believe, as cliche as this is, that everything in life happens for a reason. It’s all a sign. From the broken-down cars, to the jobs we’re let go from. It all guides us to strive to be a different version of ourselves. I think it strengthens that inner goddess in us that we tend to water down and keep covered in fear of becoming too much or failing when we can’t live up to the ideals of how our goddess should look.

We all have this inner goddess, or god if any of my male readers are tuning in, that has so much potential and strength. The goddess in us is what we are meant to be. Whether that’s a doctor, a humanitarian or in my case, a traveler and a writer (my dream job of course).

So why don’t we take this leap to become our badass selves? We see people every day living out our dreams. Do you think everyone who is living our ideal life sat quietly and didn’t push themselves past their comfort zone?

Nope, they rose to the occasion and followed a different path. They become the inner goddesses they were meant to be. They didn’t ask “what if I fail” they asked, “what if I never reach that goal because I didn’t try”. I know I personally admire so many start up writers who started from literally nothing to now being idols. AKA, my favorite of all time Rachel Hollis – I am the fan girl of all fan girls. She is the epitome of someone who stopped ignoring all the signs the universe sent her and started following the exact path she needed to become the biggest badass she is today. She holds so much grace and power that she even writes about in her books. She preaches the idea of stopping the pity party and starting to follow exactly what you feel is meant for you.

The universe will not introduce a new job, a new city or a new relationship if it didn’t have a purpose. Keep in mind, I understand some of these can turn out to be negative BUT they are always lessons learned and have the possibility to help us grow. So why are always so reluctant to take on these new adventures?

Because it has the possibility for us to fail. And failure is the number 1 (don’t actually look that up, it’s possible it’s just my number 1 reason) for not wanting to continue with a new opportunity. No one wants to be as a failure. But I've come to learn, I have more desire to succeed then I have fear of failing. The good outweighs the bad, in so many ways. 

My biggest reasoning to starting this journey and a few others that are going to lead me to the same place (that’ll stay a little secret until the date gets closer when I can announce it, stay tuned) is finally being joyful in my life every single day.

Yes, I have amazing people in my life, and I am genuinely doing better than so many others, but I am not at my top peak of happiness. I am just content. Sometimes even sad I chose not to chase my dreams a long time ago. I always made the excuse of, maybe next year or when I get my debt under control (hello degree is rec management that will make me poor the rest of my life). But there comes a time when you wake up and say, nope, now is the time. If we put off our dreams or wants in life for too long, they become distant memories of what we wish we could have done instead of goals.

My time is now. I have been communicating my goals and speaking them into existence. I add a little work each night to make my future a reality. I take a step in the right direction every day, slowly but surely molding my life to be exactly what I need it to be to be the best version of myself.

So what are your dreams? I love to hear them and even help support them. Send them my way and remember we are meant for so much more. There will always be people telling us otherwise, but they are just jealous of our fire.

Stuck within our own comfort zone